What Is the Difference Between Achromatic and ...

Author: Steve

May. 27, 2024

What Is the Difference Between Achromatic and ...

Apochromatic (APO) and achromatic lenses exhibit noticeably higher image quality when compared to conventional lenses with the same speed and focal length. However, these lenses differ in terms of what they do and their effects. This article will cover apochromatic vs achromatic lenses and their advantages and disadvantages.

What Is the Difference Between Achromatic and ...

Apochromatic (APO) and achromatic lensachromatic lenses exhibit noticeably higher image quality when compared to conventional lenses with the same speed and focal length. However, these lenses differ in terms of what they do and their effects. This article will cover apochromatic vs achromatic lenses and their advantages and disadvantages.


What Are Achromatic Lenses?

An achromatic lens is created by joining together two lenses of differing focal powers in a way that the resulting image is unaffected by color fringing or other chromatic aberrations. The most popular and oldest achromatic lens is the achromatic doublet, which is a set of two lenses, one convex and one concave, used to correct color aberrations.

Manufacturers use crown glass to craft the convex lens. It equalizes the distance at which the blue and red wavelengths fall on the focal plane, correcting their differences. This lessens the chromatic aberration for two wavelengths and spherical aberration for one wavelength.


What Are Apochromatic Lenses?

Apochromatic lenses are composed of three lenses and are sometimes referred to as an apochromatic triplet. Compared to monochromatic and achromatic lenses, they offer superior correction of aberration and significantly reduce the amount of dispersion.

It corrects for two wavelengths in order to reduce spherical aberration, and it corrects for three wavelengths in order to minimize chromatic aberration. The wavelengths that it corrects are blue, red, and green. In addition to this, these lenses are made up of fluoride elements of some kind, flint glasses, and specialized lens coatings, all of which work together to focus the different wavelengths into one focal plane.



Benefits and Drawbacks of Achromatic Lenses

As with all things, achromatic lenses have advantages and disadvantages. Here are a few pros and cons of achromatic lenses.

Benefits of Achromatic Lenses

Increased Picture Quality

The achromatic lens dramatically improves image clarity and brightness due to the elimination of color fringes, which is especially noticeable in polychromatic photography.

Low Cost of Production

There is a more advanced version of the achromatic lenses, but they are prohibitively expensive. Nevertheless, the achromatic lens is the most economical approach to obtaining crisp white light images and offers a wide range of corrections for a variety of common imaging needs. Although achromatic lenses work best in pairs for finite conjugate applications, their primary purpose is to accommodate infinite conjugate ratios.

When using a lens pair for a finite conjugate application, both the object and the image are located a fixed distance away. Therefore, its primary function is to reduce or do away with chromatic aberration. Keep in mind that the best achromatic lenses can be purchased directly from the company that makes them.

Effective Light Transmission

In contrast to singlet lenses, achromatic lenses maintain their on-axis presentation regardless of aperture size. Therefore, you can fully utilize all the available light.

Drawbacks of Achromatic Lenses

While beneficial, achromatic lenses are not perfect. Here is a disadvantage of achromatic lenses.

Increased Secondary Spectrum

Profile and magnitude of the secondary spectrum change with focal length and lens type. The higher aperture (speed) a lens has, the longer its focal length, and the more the secondary spectrum degrades the image quality.

Extreme cases of this can cause the secondary spectrum to become the limiting element in image quality, and this occurs with achromatic lenses. Hence, you might need to use an apochromatic lens in a case like this.


Benefits and Drawbacks of APO Lenses

Similar to achromatic lenses, APO lenses have some advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of those benefits and drawbacks.


Benefits of APO Lenses

Improved Image Quality and Experience

APO lenses significantly improve the overall quality of an image, from improved color contrast to better image sharpness. Furthermore, they help to reduce eye strain and allow for more extended glassing periods due to comfort.

Better Spherical Aberration and Chromatic Aberration

They focus light from three separate frequencies and offer greater chromatic and spherical aberration correction than achromat lenses.

Drawbacks of APO Lenses

Now that you know about the benefits of APO lenses, here are some drawbacks of these lenses.


Apochromats are only seen in high-end gadgets because of the high expenses associated with production, from the intricacy of the process to the high-quality materials required.

Heavier than Other Lenses

In order to reduce the lens&#;s overall heft, apochromatic designs typically employ only three components. However, these triplet lenses are significantly heavier than the achromat lenses used in the majority of binoculars nowadays due to the weight of the glass used in their construction.



Achromatic and apochromatic lenses are essential tools in optics. Achromatic lenses correct the light in order for two colors to lie in a single image plane together. In contrast, apochromatic lenses correct light in a way that lets three colors merge into a single image plane.

Both lenses have significant benefits, such as increased image quality and better light emission. However, they do have some drawbacks, like achromatic lenses not reducing secondary spectrum and apochromatic lenses needing to be more pricey.

Why use an achromatic lens

Mar 15,

An achromatic lens can be defined as a lens which is made by a combination of two different types of lenses carrying different focal powers in a manner such that the images formed by the light of both the combined lenses are free from chromatic aberration or achromatism. 
The most commonly used and the earliest example of an achromatic lens is the achromatic doublet. An achromatic doublet is made from a pair of glasses, of which one is typically a concave and another is convex. The concave element of the doublet is composed of flint glass (with higher dispersion); the convex element, however, is made up of crown glass (with low dispersion). These two elements are placed (cemented) next to each other in such a manner that the chromatic aberration of the one element is balanced by the chromatic aberration of another. There are various types of achromatic lenses, which differ in the type of lens elements and optical properties. Some examples of achromatic lenses include Clark doublet, Dialyte, Steinheil doublet, Littrow doublet and Oil-spaced doublet.

 * Anatomy of an Achromatic Lens
An achromatic lens, also referred to as an achromat, typically consists of two optical components cemented together, usually a positive low-index (crown) element and a negative high-index (flint) element. In comparison to a singlet lens, or singlet for short, which only consists of a single piece of glass, the additional design freedom provided by using a doublet design allows for further optimization of performance. Therefore, an achromatic lens will have noticeable advantages over a comparable diameter and focal length singlet.
An achromatic lens comes in a variety of configurations, most notably, positive, negative, triplet, and aspherized. It is important to note that it can be a doublet (two elements) or triplet (three elements); the number of elements is not related to the number of rays for which it corrects. In other words, an achromatic lens designed for visible wavelengths corrects for red and blue, independent of it being a doublet or triplet configuration.  Refer to Figures 1- 4 for illustrations of each type.

 +  Please check parameter of achmatic lens according to listed table below: 




Radius of Curvature


Edge Thickness


Effective Focal Length


Center Thickness


Principle Point


Back Focal Length

Brighter Images and Better Energy Throughput
Because on-axis performance of an achromatic lens will not deteriorate with larger clear apertures, "stopping down" the optical system becomes unnecessary. "Stopping down" the aperture refers to reducing its size, for example via a pinhole or iris diaphragm, in order to improve overall performance. With the entire clear aperture utilized, an achromatic lens and achromatic lens systems are faster, more efficient, and more powerful than equivalent systems using singlet lenses.

* Applications of Achromatic Lenses
Achromatic lenses are ideal for a range of applications including fluorescence microscopy, image relay, inspection, and spectroscopy and widely used in a multi-lens optical system that usually consists of several achromatic lenses. Also used in high-quality microscopes and photographic apparatuses are complex lens systems that can eliminate both hyperchromatic and other monochromatic aberrations.
What Makes Achromatic Lenses Important?
Achromatic lenses bring color into focus at the same points that allow users to focus on images. Compared to non-corrected singlet lenses, the achromatic lens produces a much clearer image that makes for easier viewing and more accurate perception.
They brought revolutionary changes to the way you do imaging. Although lenses continue to improve in quality, the achromatic lens remains a staple in scientific and non-scientific optics applications.

*  There are some benefits of achromatic lens assemblies

+ Improved Image Quality
By eliminating the color fringes, the achromatic lens significantly increases the image brightness and clarity and this fact is particularly true for polychromatic imaging.
+ Efficient Light Transmission
Unlike the singlet lens, the on-axis presentation of an achromatic lens will not reduce as aperture size increases, allowing you to utilize the entire clear aperture.
+ Cost-effective Production
Although an improvement on the achromatic exists, these lenses are much more expensive. And for the most purposes, the achromatic lens provides many corrections by making it the most cost-effective way to get clear white light images.
Achromatic lenses are designed for infinite conjugate ratios but are ideal for finite conjugate applications when used in pairs. In finite conjugate applications, both the object and image are a finite distance from the lens pair. It is basically used to minimize or eliminate chromatic aberration. You can buy achromatic lenses from the achromatic lenses manufacturer that provides high-quality products.

People also ask

What is an achromatic lens used for?
A lens which is specially designed to control the effects of chromatic distortion or aberration (a defect of optical lenses to bring the focus of all colours to the same convergence point) is called an achromatic lens. It is widely known as an 'achromat'.

What is the difference between achromatic and apochromatic?
Achromatic lenses are corrected to bring two wavelengths into focus in the same plane &#; typically red (~0.590 µm) and blue (~0.495 µm). Apochromatic lenses are designed to bring three colors into focus in the same plane &#; typically red (~0.620 µm), green (~0.530 µm), and blue (~0.465 µm).

What does an achromatic lens consist of?
An achromatic lens, also referred to as an achromat, typically consists of two optical components cemented together, usually a positive low-index (crown) element and a negative high-index (flint) element.

What is the meaning of achromatic?
Achromatic means literally "without color". It can also refer to: Achromatic colors,"greys" or "neutral colors", also black or white. Achromatic lens, a lens designed to minimize chromatic aberration.

How does an achromatic lens work?
An achromatic lens is a combination of concave and convex pieces of glass that focuses the different colour wavelengths in light to a single plane. Each type of glass disperses the colours differently &#; put together they counterbalance each other and produce a sharp image.

How do you make an achromatic lens?
An achromatic doublet is typically made of a positive crown glass lens whose power is positive but which decreases with increasing wavelength (i.e. toward the red), cemented to a weaker flint glass lens whose power is negative and also decreases (in magnitude) with increasing wavelength.

VY Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of optical lenses, our factory located in Changchun City of China, nearly 50 K pieces of achromatic lenses are produced every month in our plant, we have large stock of lenses. Besides, we are able to provide a full range of inspection reports and CoC( Certificate of Conformance) for full optical characterization such as surface quality, dimensions, centricity, coating transmittance and reflectance, and overall or partial surface accuracy. Material of optical doublet we process can be optical glass, UV fused silica (JGS1), infrared fused silica (JGS3) and calcium fluoride (CaF2), barium fluoride (BaF2) and other crystalline material etc.

Factory Standard

  • Shape: Singlet, Doublets or Triplets

  • Diameter Tolerance: ± 0.03mm

  • Thickness Tolerance:  ± 0.03mm

  • Radius: ± 0.3%

  • Focal Length Tolerance: ± 0.5%

  • Surface Quality: 20-10 Scratch-Dig&#;After Coating&#;

  • Surface Flatness: λ/5 @633 nm

  • Centration: < 3 arc minutes

  • Clear Aperture: > 90% of central dimension

A short video to shown achromatic lenses we facbricate for your better understanding.

Contact us for manufacturing limit or custom specifications.



What Are Achromatic Lenses?

An achromatic lens is created by joining together two lenses of differing focal powers in a way that the resulting image is unaffected by color fringing or other chromatic aberrations. The most popular and oldest achromatic lens is the achromatic doublet, which is a set of two lenses, one convex and one concave, used to correct color aberrations.

Manufacturers use crown glass to craft the convex lens. It equalizes the distance at which the blue and red wavelengths fall on the focal plane, correcting their differences. This lessens the chromatic aberration for two wavelengths and spherical aberration for one wavelength.


What Are Apochromatic Lenses?

Apochromatic lenses are composed of three lenses and are sometimes referred to as an apochromatic triplet. Compared to monochromatic and achromatic lenses, they offer superior correction of aberration and significantly reduce the amount of dispersion.

It corrects for two wavelengths in order to reduce spherical aberration, and it corrects for three wavelengths in order to minimize chromatic aberration. The wavelengths that it corrects are blue, red, and green. In addition to this, these lenses are made up of fluoride elements of some kind, flint glasses, and specialized lens coatings, all of which work together to focus the different wavelengths into one focal plane.



Benefits and Drawbacks of Achromatic Lenses

As with all things, achromatic lenses have advantages and disadvantages. Here are a few pros and cons of achromatic lenses.

Benefits of Achromatic Lenses

Increased Picture Quality

The achromatic lens dramatically improves image clarity and brightness due to the elimination of color fringes, which is especially noticeable in polychromatic photography.

Low Cost of Production

There is a more advanced version of the achromatic lenses, but they are prohibitively expensive. Nevertheless, the achromatic lens is the most economical approach to obtaining crisp white light images and offers a wide range of corrections for a variety of common imaging needs. Although achromatic lenses work best in pairs for finite conjugate applications, their primary purpose is to accommodate infinite conjugate ratios.

When using a lens pair for a finite conjugate application, both the object and the image are located a fixed distance away. Therefore, its primary function is to reduce or do away with chromatic aberration. Keep in mind that the best achromatic lenses can be purchased directly from the company that makes them.

Effective Light Transmission

In contrast to singlet lenses, achromatic lenses maintain their on-axis presentation regardless of aperture size. Therefore, you can fully utilize all the available light.

Drawbacks of Achromatic Lenses

While beneficial, achromatic lenses are not perfect. Here is a disadvantage of achromatic lenses.

Increased Secondary Spectrum

Profile and magnitude of the secondary spectrum change with focal length and lens type. The higher aperture (speed) a lens has, the longer its focal length, and the more the secondary spectrum degrades the image quality.

Extreme cases of this can cause the secondary spectrum to become the limiting element in image quality, and this occurs with achromatic lenses. Hence, you might need to use an apochromatic lens in a case like this.


Benefits and Drawbacks of APO Lenses

Similar to achromatic lenses, APO lenses have some advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of those benefits and drawbacks.


Benefits of APO Lenses

Improved Image Quality and Experience

APO lenses significantly improve the overall quality of an image, from improved color contrast to better image sharpness. Furthermore, they help to reduce eye strain and allow for more extended glassing periods due to comfort.

Better Spherical Aberration and Chromatic Aberration

They focus light from three separate frequencies and offer greater chromatic and spherical aberration correction than achromat lenses.

Drawbacks of APO Lenses

Now that you know about the benefits of APO lenses, here are some drawbacks of these lenses.


Apochromats are only seen in high-end gadgets because of the high expenses associated with production, from the intricacy of the process to the high-quality materials required.

Heavier than Other Lenses

In order to reduce the lens&#;s overall heft, apochromatic designs typically employ only three components. However, these triplet lenses are significantly heavier than the achromat lenses used in the majority of binoculars nowadays due to the weight of the glass used in their construction.



Achromatic and apochromatic lenses are essential tools in optics. Achromatic lenses correct the light in order for two colors to lie in a single image plane together. In contrast, apochromatic lenses correct light in a way that lets three colors merge into a single image plane.

Both lenses have significant benefits, such as increased image quality and better light emission. However, they do have some drawbacks, like achromatic lenses not reducing secondary spectrum and apochromatic lenses needing to be more pricey.

Why use an achromatic lens

Mar 15,

An achromatic lens can be defined as a lens which is made by a combination of two different types of lenses carrying different focal powers in a manner such that the images formed by the light of both the combined lenses are free from chromatic aberration or achromatism. 
The most commonly used and the earliest example of an achromatic lens is the achromatic doublet. An achromatic doublet is made from a pair of glasses, of which one is typically a concave and another is convex. The concave element of the doublet is composed of flint glass (with higher dispersion); the convex element, however, is made up of crown glass (with low dispersion). These two elements are placed (cemented) next to each other in such a manner that the chromatic aberration of the one element is balanced by the chromatic aberration of another. There are various types of achromatic lenses, which differ in the type of lens elements and optical properties. Some examples of achromatic lenses include Clark doublet, Dialyte, Steinheil doublet, Littrow doublet and Oil-spaced doublet.

 * Anatomy of an Achromatic Lens
An achromatic lens, also referred to as an achromat, typically consists of two optical components cemented together, usually a positive low-index (crown) element and a negative high-index (flint) element. In comparison to a singlet lens, or singlet for short, which only consists of a single piece of glass, the additional design freedom provided by using a doublet design allows for further optimization of performance. Therefore, an achromatic lens will have noticeable advantages over a comparable diameter and focal length singlet.
An achromatic lens comes in a variety of configurations, most notably, positive, negative, triplet, and aspherized. It is important to note that it can be a doublet (two elements) or triplet (three elements); the number of elements is not related to the number of rays for which it corrects. In other words, an achromatic lens designed for visible wavelengths corrects for red and blue, independent of it being a doublet or triplet configuration.  Refer to Figures 1- 4 for illustrations of each type.

 +  Please check parameter of achmatic lens according to listed table below: 




Radius of Curvature


Edge Thickness


What Is the Difference Between Achromatic and ...

Apochromatic (APO) and achromatic lenses exhibit noticeably higher image quality when compared to conventional lenses with the same speed and focal length. However, these lenses differ in terms of what they do and their effects. This article will cover apochromatic vs achromatic lenses and their advantages and disadvantages.


What Are Achromatic LensesAchromatic Lenses?

An achromatic lens is created by joining together two lenses of differing focal powers in a way that the resulting image is unaffected by color fringing or other chromatic aberrations. The most popular and oldest achromatic lens is the achromatic doublet, which is a set of two lenses, one convex and one concave, used to correct color aberrations.

Manufacturers use crown glass to craft the convex lens. It equalizes the distance at which the blue and red wavelengths fall on the focal plane, correcting their differences. This lessens the chromatic aberration for two wavelengths and spherical aberration for one wavelength.


What Are Apochromatic Lenses?

Apochromatic lenses are composed of three lenses and are sometimes referred to as an apochromatic triplet. Compared to monochromatic and achromatic lenses, they offer superior correction of aberration and significantly reduce the amount of dispersion.

It corrects for two wavelengths in order to reduce spherical aberration, and it corrects for three wavelengths in order to minimize chromatic aberration. The wavelengths that it corrects are blue, red, and green. In addition to this, these lenses are made up of fluoride elements of some kind, flint glasses, and specialized lens coatings, all of which work together to focus the different wavelengths into one focal plane.



Benefits and Drawbacks of Achromatic Lenses

As with all things, achromatic lenses have advantages and disadvantages. Here are a few pros and cons of achromatic lenses.

Benefits of Achromatic Lenses

Increased Picture Quality

The achromatic lens dramatically improves image clarity and brightness due to the elimination of color fringes, which is especially noticeable in polychromatic photography.

Low Cost of Production

There is a more advanced version of the achromatic lenses, but they are prohibitively expensive. Nevertheless, the achromatic lens is the most economical approach to obtaining crisp white light images and offers a wide range of corrections for a variety of common imaging needs. Although achromatic lenses work best in pairs for finite conjugate applications, their primary purpose is to accommodate infinite conjugate ratios.

When using a lens pair for a finite conjugate application, both the object and the image are located a fixed distance away. Therefore, its primary function is to reduce or do away with chromatic aberration. Keep in mind that the best achromatic lenses can be purchased directly from the company that makes them.

Effective Light Transmission

In contrast to singlet lenses, achromatic lenses maintain their on-axis presentation regardless of aperture size. Therefore, you can fully utilize all the available light.

Drawbacks of Achromatic Lenses

While beneficial, achromatic lenses are not perfect. Here is a disadvantage of achromatic lenses.

Increased Secondary Spectrum

Profile and magnitude of the secondary spectrum change with focal length and lens type. The higher aperture (speed) a lens has, the longer its focal length, and the more the secondary spectrum degrades the image quality.

Extreme cases of this can cause the secondary spectrum to become the limiting element in image quality, and this occurs with achromatic lenses. Hence, you might need to use an apochromatic lens in a case like this.


Benefits and Drawbacks of APO Lenses

Similar to achromatic lenses, APO lenses have some advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of those benefits and drawbacks.


Benefits of APO Lenses

Improved Image Quality and Experience

APO lenses significantly improve the overall quality of an image, from improved color contrast to better image sharpness. Furthermore, they help to reduce eye strain and allow for more extended glassing periods due to comfort.

Better Spherical Aberration and Chromatic Aberration

They focus light from three separate frequencies and offer greater chromatic and spherical aberration correction than achromat lenses.

Drawbacks of APO Lenses

Now that you know about the benefits of APO lenses, here are some drawbacks of these lenses.


Apochromats are only seen in high-end gadgets because of the high expenses associated with production, from the intricacy of the process to the high-quality materials required.

Heavier than Other Lenses

In order to reduce the lens&#;s overall heft, apochromatic designs typically employ only three components. However, these triplet lenses are significantly heavier than the achromat lenses used in the majority of binoculars nowadays due to the weight of the glass used in their construction.



Achromatic and apochromatic lenses are essential tools in optics. Achromatic lenses correct the light in order for two colors to lie in a single image plane together. In contrast, apochromatic lenses correct light in a way that lets three colors merge into a single image plane.

Both lenses have significant benefits, such as increased image quality and better light emission. However, they do have some drawbacks, like achromatic lenses not reducing secondary spectrum and apochromatic lenses needing to be more pricey.

Why use an achromatic lens

Mar 15,

An achromatic lens can be defined as a lens which is made by a combination of two different types of lenses carrying different focal powers in a manner such that the images formed by the light of both the combined lenses are free from chromatic aberration or achromatism. 
The most commonly used and the earliest example of an achromatic lens is the achromatic doublet. An achromatic doublet is made from a pair of glasses, of which one is typically a concave and another is convex. The concave element of the doublet is composed of flint glass (with higher dispersion); the convex element, however, is made up of crown glass (with low dispersion). These two elements are placed (cemented) next to each other in such a manner that the chromatic aberration of the one element is balanced by the chromatic aberration of another. There are various types of achromatic lenses, which differ in the type of lens elements and optical properties. Some examples of achromatic lenses include Clark doublet, Dialyte, Steinheil doublet, Littrow doublet and Oil-spaced doublet.

 * Anatomy of an Achromatic Lens
An achromatic lens, also referred to as an achromat, typically consists of two optical components cemented together, usually a positive low-index (crown) element and a negative high-index (flint) element. In comparison to a singlet lens, or singlet for short, which only consists of a single piece of glass, the additional design freedom provided by using a doublet design allows for further optimization of performance. Therefore, an achromatic lens will have noticeable advantages over a comparable diameter and focal length singlet.
An achromatic lens comes in a variety of configurations, most notably, positive, negative, triplet, and aspherized. It is important to note that it can be a doublet (two elements) or triplet (three elements); the number of elements is not related to the number of rays for which it corrects. In other words, an achromatic lens designed for visible wavelengths corrects for red and blue, independent of it being a doublet or triplet configuration.  Refer to Figures 1- 4 for illustrations of each type.

 +  Please check parameter of achmatic lens according to listed table below: 




Radius of Curvature


Edge Thickness


Effective Focal Length


Center Thickness


Principle Point


Back Focal Length

Brighter Images and Better Energy Throughput
Because on-axis performance of an achromatic lens will not deteriorate with larger clear apertures, "stopping down" the optical system becomes unnecessary. "Stopping down" the aperture refers to reducing its size, for example via a pinhole or iris diaphragm, in order to improve overall performance. With the entire clear aperture utilized, an achromatic lens and achromatic lens systems are faster, more efficient, and more powerful than equivalent systems using singlet lenses.

* Applications of Achromatic Lenses
Achromatic lenses are ideal for a range of applications including fluorescence microscopy, image relay, inspection, and spectroscopy and widely used in a multi-lens optical system that usually consists of several achromatic lenses. Also used in high-quality microscopes and photographic apparatuses are complex lens systems that can eliminate both hyperchromatic and other monochromatic aberrations.
What Makes Achromatic Lenses Important?
Achromatic lenses bring color into focus at the same points that allow users to focus on images. Compared to non-corrected singlet lenses, the achromatic lens produces a much clearer image that makes for easier viewing and more accurate perception.
They brought revolutionary changes to the way you do imaging. Although lenses continue to improve in quality, the achromatic lens remains a staple in scientific and non-scientific optics applications.

*  There are some benefits of achromatic lens assemblies

+ Improved Image Quality
By eliminating the color fringes, the achromatic lens significantly increases the image brightness and clarity and this fact is particularly true for polychromatic imaging.
+ Efficient Light Transmission
Unlike the singlet lens, the on-axis presentation of an achromatic lens will not reduce as aperture size increases, allowing you to utilize the entire clear aperture.
+ Cost-effective Production
Although an improvement on the achromatic exists, these lenses are much more expensive. And for the most purposes, the achromatic lens provides many corrections by making it the most cost-effective way to get clear white light images.
Achromatic lenses are designed for infinite conjugate ratios but are ideal for finite conjugate applications when used in pairs. In finite conjugate applications, both the object and image are a finite distance from the lens pair. It is basically used to minimize or eliminate chromatic aberration. You can buy achromatic lenses from the achromatic lenses manufacturer that provides high-quality products.

People also ask

What is an achromatic lens used for?
A lens which is specially designed to control the effects of chromatic distortion or aberration (a defect of optical lenses to bring the focus of all colours to the same convergence point) is called an achromatic lens. It is widely known as an 'achromat'.

What is the difference between achromatic and apochromatic?
Achromatic lenses are corrected to bring two wavelengths into focus in the same plane &#; typically red (~0.590 µm) and blue (~0.495 µm). Apochromatic lenses are designed to bring three colors into focus in the same plane &#; typically red (~0.620 µm), green (~0.530 µm), and blue (~0.465 µm).

What does an achromatic lens consist of?
An achromatic lens, also referred to as an achromat, typically consists of two optical components cemented together, usually a positive low-index (crown) element and a negative high-index (flint) element.

What is the meaning of achromatic?
Achromatic means literally "without color". It can also refer to: Achromatic colors,"greys" or "neutral colors", also black or white. Achromatic lens, a lens designed to minimize chromatic aberration.

How does an achromatic lens work?
An achromatic lens is a combination of concave and convex pieces of glass that focuses the different colour wavelengths in light to a single plane. Each type of glass disperses the colours differently &#; put together they counterbalance each other and produce a sharp image.

How do you make an achromatic lens?
An achromatic doublet is typically made of a positive crown glass lens whose power is positive but which decreases with increasing wavelength (i.e. toward the red), cemented to a weaker flint glass lens whose power is negative and also decreases (in magnitude) with increasing wavelength.

VY Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of optical lenses, our factory located in Changchun City of China, nearly 50 K pieces of achromatic lenses are produced every month in our plant, we have large stock of lenses. Besides, we are able to provide a full range of inspection reports and CoC( Certificate of Conformance) for full optical characterization such as surface quality, dimensions, centricity, coating transmittance and reflectance, and overall or partial surface accuracy. Material of optical doublet we process can be optical glass, UV fused silica (JGS1), infrared fused silica (JGS3) and calcium fluoride (CaF2), barium fluoride (BaF2) and other crystalline material etc.

Factory Standard

  • Shape: Singlet, Doublets or Triplets

  • Diameter Tolerance: ± 0.03mm

  • Thickness Tolerance:  ± 0.03mm

  • Radius: ± 0.3%

  • Focal Length Tolerance: ± 0.5%

  • Surface Quality: 20-10 Scratch-Dig&#;After Coating&#;

  • Surface Flatness: λ/5 @633 nm

  • Centration: < 3 arc minutes

  • Clear Aperture: > 90% of central dimension

A short video to shown achromatic lenses we facbricate for your better understanding.

Contact us for manufacturing limit or custom specifications.


Effective Focal Length


Center Thickness


Principle Point


Back Focal Length

Brighter Images and Better Energy Throughput
Because on-axis performance of an achromatic lens will not deteriorate with larger clear apertures, "stopping down" the optical system becomes unnecessary. "Stopping down" the aperture refers to reducing its size, for example via a pinhole or iris diaphragm, in order to improve overall performance. With the entire clear aperture utilized, an achromatic lens and achromatic lens systems are faster, more efficient, and more powerful than equivalent systems using singlet lenses.

* Applications of Achromatic Lenses
Achromatic lenses are ideal for a range of applications including fluorescence microscopy, image relay, inspection, and spectroscopy and widely used in a multi-lens optical system that usually consists of several achromatic lenses. Also used in high-quality microscopes and photographic apparatuses are complex lens systems that can eliminate both hyperchromatic and other monochromatic aberrations.
What Makes Achromatic Lenses Important?
Achromatic lenses bring color into focus at the same points that allow users to focus on images. Compared to non-corrected singlet lenses, the achromatic lens produces a much clearer image that makes for easier viewing and more accurate perception.
They brought revolutionary changes to the way you do imaging. Although lenses continue to improve in quality, the achromatic lens remains a staple in scientific and non-scientific optics applications.

*  There are some benefits of achromatic lens assemblies

+ Improved Image Quality
By eliminating the color fringes, the achromatic lens significantly increases the image brightness and clarity and this fact is particularly true for polychromatic imaging.
+ Efficient Light Transmission
Unlike the singlet lens, the on-axis presentation of an achromatic lens will not reduce as aperture size increases, allowing you to utilize the entire clear aperture.
+ Cost-effective Production
Although an improvement on the achromatic exists, these lenses are much more expensive. And for the most purposes, the achromatic lens provides many corrections by making it the most cost-effective way to get clear white light images.
Achromatic lenses are designed for infinite conjugate ratios but are ideal for finite conjugate applications when used in pairs. In finite conjugate applications, both the object and image are a finite distance from the lens pair. It is basically used to minimize or eliminate chromatic aberration. You can buy achromatic lenses from the achromatic lenses manufacturer that provides high-quality products.

People also ask

What is an achromatic lens used for?
A lens which is specially designed to control the effects of chromatic distortion or aberration (a defect of optical lenses to bring the focus of all colours to the same convergence point) is called an achromatic lens. It is widely known as an 'achromat'.

What is the difference between achromatic and apochromatic?
Achromatic lenses are corrected to bring two wavelengths into focus in the same plane &#; typically red (~0.590 µm) and blue (~0.495 µm). Apochromatic lenses are designed to bring three colors into focus in the same plane &#; typically red (~0.620 µm), green (~0.530 µm), and blue (~0.465 µm).

What does an achromatic lens consist of?
An achromatic lens, also referred to as an achromat, typically consists of two optical components cemented together, usually a positive low-index (crown) element and a negative high-index (flint) element.

What is the meaning of achromatic?
Achromatic means literally "without color". It can also refer to: Achromatic colors,"greys" or "neutral colors", also black or white. Achromatic lens, a lens designed to minimize chromatic aberration.

How does an achromatic lens work?
An achromatic lens is a combination of concave and convex pieces of glass that focuses the different colour wavelengths in light to a single plane. Each type of glass disperses the colours differently &#; put together they counterbalance each other and produce a sharp image.

How do you make an achromatic lens?
An achromatic doublet is typically made of a positive crown glass lens whose power is positive but which decreases with increasing wavelength (i.e. toward the red), cemented to a weaker flint glass lens whose power is negative and also decreases (in magnitude) with increasing wavelength.

VY Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of optical lenses, our factory located in Changchun City of China, nearly 50 K pieces of achromatic lenses are produced every month in our plant, we have large stock of lenses. Besides, we are able to provide a full range of inspection reports and CoC( Certificate of Conformance) for full optical characterization such as surface quality, dimensions, centricity, coating transmittance and reflectance, and overall or partial surface accuracy. Material of optical doublet we process can be optical glass, UV fused silica (JGS1), infrared fused silica (JGS3) and calcium fluoride (CaF2), barium fluoride (BaF2) and other crystalline material etc.

Factory Standard

  • Shape: Singlet, Doublets or Triplets

  • Diameter Tolerance: ± 0.03mm

  • Thickness Tolerance:  ± 0.03mm

  • Radius: ± 0.3%

  • Focal Length Tolerance: ± 0.5%

  • Surface Quality: 20-10 Scratch-Dig&#;After Coating&#;

  • Surface Flatness: λ/5 @633 nm

  • Centration: < 3 arc minutes

  • Clear Aperture: > 90% of central dimension

A short video to shown achromatic lenses we facbricate for your better understanding.

Contact us for manufacturing limit or custom specifications.


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