Single Stage vs. Two Stage Air Compressors

Author: Evelyn

May. 06, 2024


Single Stage vs. Two Stage Air Compressors

When choosing between a single-stage versus dual-stage air compressor, you will want to explore the differences between each model and the power each one provides. From woodworking to beverage manufacturing, both types of compressors can power various tools and machinery, making the manufacturing process faster and easier.

You can find more information on our web, so please take a look.

What Is a Single-Stage Air Compressor?

Also known as piston compressors, single-stage air compressors have pistons that draw air into the machine until it is sucked through a filter section. The air then passes through intake valves and into a cylinder, where a crankshaft rotates, and pistons push the air upwards. The piston helps compress the trapped air and force it through exhaust valves, which travel to a discharge tube and a check valve. Once the air enters a storage tank, it can stay until the user requires new air.

What Is a Two-Stage Compressor?

Two-stage air compressors — or dual-stage compressors — use a low-pressure, larger piston to draw in air. The air is sucked through a filter and passes the intake valve into a cylinder, where the crankshaft rotates, and a low-pressure piston pushes it upwards while compressing the air. The first compression also forces the air through a low-pressure exhaust valve which helps the air travel through an intercooler. 

After cooling, the air travels to the high-pressure sides of the compressor, where it is drawn into a cylinder and compressed a second time. Once it passes the discharge tube and check valve, it remains safely in a storage tank until the user requires new air.

Difference Between Single-Stage and Two-Stage Air Compressors

The main difference between single-stage versus two-stage air compressors is the number of times the air is compressed. While a single-stage compressor compresses air once, a dual-stage compressor compresses twice for higher pressure and power. 

Single-stage compressors suck air into a cylinder where the trapped air is compressed. After moving to a storage tank, the air can be used as energy for various tools. 

With a two-stage air compressor, rather than immediately going to a storage tank after compression, the air is sent to a smaller piston for the second round of compression. The double-pressurized air is also cooled before entering the storage tank, where the air can then be used as energy for high-powered tools and equipment. 

Uses for Single-Stage Air Compressors

A single-stage air compressor has many uses for providing energy for equipment. From woodworking tools to metalworking equipment, a single-stage compressor makes the production and manufacturing process more manageable. You can use single-stage air compressors in the following industries: 


Woodworking often requires a wide variety of intensive tools to make furniture, fixtures or other wooden features. However, without the help of power tools, woodworking may require extensive physical work, stamina and hand-eye coordination. If you want to cut boards and drill holes evenly every time, you can use air-powered saws and drills to assist your process. 

A single-stage air compressor powers these tools to help you achieve your goals in minutes rather than hours. A single-stage air compressor can also help power tools for the following tasks:

  • Sawing: Whether you need to trim boards, cut shapes or saw panels, an air-powered saw can help make the process smooth and easy. While sawing may have once been a difficult and dangerous task, an air-powered saw allows you to saw with different blade lengths and board thicknesses safely.
  • Nailing: Hammering may be a risky or awkward task. You risk bending the nail, hammering it crooked or hitting your thumb, the board or the surface underneath. However, an air-powered nailer helps you nail straight every time and finishes the task quickly.
  • Drilling: Drilling holes relies on hand-eye coordination. However, operating a drill can be awkward or risky. You risk a wrist or elbow slipping, resulting in crooked holes or injury. With an air-powered drill, you can accurately make holes at a much faster speed. 
  • Sanding: It takes powered machinery to sand the rough edges of the wood. While you could use sandpaper, it often leaves streaks and marks. An air-powered sander helps you sand in multiple directions while leaving a smooth finish without any streaks.


Any work involving metal is hard to accomplish without the proper tools. You need to cut, drill, mold and join pieces together, which is made easier with air-powered tools. Some tasks that might benefit from the help of air-powered tools include the following:

  • Shearing: Metal alloys require specific molding needs. Using powered air metal-cutting tools, workers can cut through metal sheets as easily as cardboard. 
  • Grinding: Whether you need to trim or grind tubes, pipes and bars, an air-grinder can do the job. It is handy if a piece of metal is too long and needs some trimming.
  • Riveting: When fastening pieces of metal together, an air-riveter is one of the best ways to combine sheets and join seams. Riveting makes for a tight and secure fit, perfect when building sheds, structures and more.
  • Ratcheting: If you need to undo metal fasteners, using an air-powered ratchet helps you break apart nuts that may have otherwise been impossible to disassemble. 

Uses for Two-Stage Air Compressors

Two-stage air compressors are often used for high-powered tools and equipment. Air compressors power essential tools from automobile assembly and beverage manufacturing to aerospace and military equipment.

Automobile Manufacturing

Constructing vehicles is a heavy-duty application that requires air-powered tools to save energy and assist in plant and repair shops. Automobile manufacturers may use two-stage compressors for the following tasks: 

  • Lifting: During assembly, the frame and shell of the vehicle require lifting. A two-stage compressor can power lifting devices, making it easier for assembly lines to assemble cars quickly.
  • Screwing: The engine parts also require screwing and bolting. Air-powered wrenches and ratchets help workers assemble and disassemble parts along the conveyor.
  • Greasing: For parts in motion, the air compressors and the parts grind together require lubrication. Air-powered greasers help workers quickly apply lubricant to necessary machinery.
  • Painting: Parts must be primed and coated evenly when painting vehicle shells. Using air-powered paint sprayers can produce a coating free of streaks and blotches.

Beverage Manufacturing

Companies use two-stage compressors during the beverage manufacturing process to power tools needed to produce massive amounts of soda, juice or alcohol. Beverage manufacturers may use air compressors for the following tasks: 

  • Molding: Compressors mold the bottles out of glass, and air-powered dryers solidify the molds.
  • Filling: Air-powered machines fill bottles of juice or soda during the conveyor process.
  • Sealing: Air-powered machines extract air from the bottles and put on air-tight lids and seals.
  • Labeling: Air-powered robotics apply labels and stickers.
  • Packaging: Air-powered robotics neatly package bottles.

Aerospace and Military Equipment

When building aircraft, tanks or other military equipment, a two-stage air compressor helps generate enough power to assemble and finish each piece. Air compressors may also help with the following jobs:

  • Cutting: Compressors can power machines to cut parts from raw metals and form molded parts using air-powered machinery. 
  • Shaping: Manufacturers may use air-powered sawing tools to cut and shape wings, flaps, engines, rudders or propellers. 
  • Assembling: Military equipment manufacturers assemble parts using air-powered fastener tools.
  • Finishing: Air-powered blowers, sanders, painters and dryers can help finish the pieces with paint and decals.

Find Reliable Tools at Compressed Air Technologies

At Compressed Air Technologies, we offer air systems, parts and lubricants and perform preventative maintenance and repairs whenever you need them. As the leaders of compressed air tools for over 30 years, our systems have run efficiently and smoothly, helping maintain your equipment’s reliability. Contact us today to speak to a representative and explore our compressed air products.

Guide to Multi-Stage Air Compressors


Multi-Stage Compressors

Reciprocating/piston compressors use a cylinder to force air into a chamber, where it is compressed. The simplest compressor designs feature a single–cylinder/chamber arrangement. While straightforward, this setup is limited in its efficiency and capacity for delivering high volumes of pressurized air.

That’s where multi-stage compressors come in. By increasing the number of cylinder stages, these machines work more effectively and can handle more tools at once.

How Multi-Stage Compressors Work

Multi-stage compressors feature two or more piston cylinders, each of a different diameter. After the first compression stage, air passes through a heat exchanger, where it is cooled before arriving at the second cylinder. Cooling the air reduces the work needed to compress it during the second or third stages.

In a two-stage compressor, the air passes through two chambers total. In the second chamber, it is pressurized to the required extent. In a three-stage compressor, an additional cycle of compression and cooling occurs before this.

What Is a 2-Stage Air Compressor?

A two-stage air compressor is the most basic multi-stage compressor. Partially compressed air undergoes a cooling cycle before passing through another compression chamber where the air reaches the required pressure.

What Is a 3-Stage Air Compressor?

A three-stage air compressor is a multi-stage compressor with three separate chambers. Air moves through a first compression stage and then passes through two heat exchangers and two additional chambers. The three-stage compressor provides the most consistent power output and can operate for extended periods.

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Benefits of Multi-Stage Compression

Both single– and multi-stage compressors have their benefits. The right one for your application will depend on a number of factors. Specific advantages of a three- or two-stage compressor design include:

  • Improved efficiency: 

    Two-stage compressors perform less work to compress air to a given pressure, which means your operating costs are lower.

  • Better reliability:

     The intercooling stage of two-stage compression creates less chance of overheating, which in turn means more uptime and better productivity.

  • Less moisture buildup:

     Cooler air has a lower moisture content. Moisture in compressed air can lead to equipment failure and premature wear. Using a two- or three-stage compressor can potentially save you from having to purchase a separate air dryer.

  • Smaller footprint: 

    For heavy-duty applications, multi-stage compressors deliver greater air pressure (PSI) at higher capacities (CFM) than single-stage machines o

    f c

    omparable size.

  • Few maintenance requirements: 

    Thanks to smaller components and cooler temperatures, wearable components don’t wear out as quickly. As a result, recommended service intervals are longer.

Cons of a Multi-Stage Compressor

While multi-stage compressors have numerous pros, some cons to consider are:

  • Size: Multi-stage compressors are often larger and heavier than single-stage systems. If you choose a two- or three-stage compressor, you should ensure you have enough storage space in your facility.
  • Maintenance: Because multi-stage compressors have additional chambers and heat exchangers, maintenance can be more demanding and involve the replacement of larger numbers of wear parts.
  • Cost: Multi-stage compressors are more expensive than single-stage compressors.

2- vs. 3-Stage Air Compressors

If you need an air compressor for demanding work like auto repair or manufacturing, investing in a two- or three-stage air compressor is necessary to ensure your unit produces an adequate supply of air for your tools or machinery. While both two- and three-stage compressors provide reliable air output, there are instances in which one will work better than the other.

Two-stage systems are smaller and can produce high-pressure air while taking up the same space as a single-stage system, though they can’t match the output capability of a three-stage model. The latter will serve you better if space isn’t a concern and your application requires greater efficiency and higher air pressure.


Clearly, there are benefits to selecting a multi-stage machine. However, their higher cost means they are not necessarily the right choice for every application. Typically, single-stage compressors are best for lower pressure, light-duty, periodic use applications. Two- or three-stage air compressors, on the other hand, offer more efficiency and reliability for continuous use applications, such as manufacturing and auto repair.

Many reciprocating compressors come in both single- and two-stage options. If you’ve already selected a particular machine, you may be wondering whether you need a single- or multi-stage version. Here are six things to consider when choosing an air compressor to decide if a multi-stage system is right for your application:

  1. Pressure required: Before considering anything else, you can know for sure you need a two- or three-stage compressor if you need to produce high pressure. 

    Because air 

    is compressed

     in two or more steps, multi-stage compressors can deliver higher pressures


    , any pressure above 100 PSIG will demand a multi-stage compressor for the most efficiency.
  2. Volume of air required: An industrial multi-stage air compressor can pressurize more cubic feet of air per minute (CFM) than a single-stage compressor. Since most compressors take some downtime between pressure cycles, a higher volume produced per cycle can increase productivity. Machinery and air tools used for significant lengths of time will both require more air.
  3. Need for temperature control: Multi-stage compressors can regulate air temperature. Because they cool air as it passes between each chamber, the output air has a lower temperature. 

    When heat can damage or reduce the efficiency of your air-powered equipment, choose a multi-stage compressor

  4. Need for oil-free applications: Intercooling, which 

    is used

     in most multi-stage compressors, it increases the moisture in the air

    This moisture can mix with the oil in an oil-flooded compressor and cause issues with the machinery

    . So, most oil-free compressor systems are dual-stage.
  5. Space you have: The smallest single-stage air compressor will take up less room than the smallest dual-stage air compressor. For a DIY or contracting project, a single-stage air compressor may be lighter and more portable. When it comes to larger air compressors, a two-stage compressor will have a higher output than a single-stage compressor of the same size. So, for industrial applications, a multi-stage compressor will save space.
  6. Initial cost versus lifetime cost: The price of air compressing equipment is only 12% of the total cost of producing compressed air. So, while a single-stage compressor can be more affordable to buy, it’s critical to consider the lifetime cost, too. Most of the cost of compressed air comes from the electricity consumed. In this case, two- and three-stage compressors have the advantage because cool air compresses with less mechanical work. For small applications, the lower initial cost may outweigh the benefits of an efficient design. For larger applications, the lifetime cost of the machine is paramount.

Multi-Stage Machines From Quincy Compressor

Quincy Compressor has been a leading compressor manufacturer for nearly 100 years. We carry a complete range of products, including two- and three-stage air compressors designed for heavy-duty industrial use. Our products incorporate advanced technology to improve efficiency, reduce noise and keep maintenance requirements to a minimum. The best warranty programs in the business back all of our products, and we offer extended coverage on certain components for 10 years or more.

Our flagship product, the QR-25, is available in a 5 HP, 2-stage air compressor configuration. We also sell rotary screw and three-stage reciprocating machines. To learn more, check out our Resources page for more background on the technology and how it works.

To find an authorized dealer near you, please use our sales and service locator.

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Last Updated on March 11, 2022 at 8:45 am

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Single Stage vs. Two Stage Air Compressors

When choosing between a single-stage versus dual-stage air compressor, you will want to explore the differences between each model and the power each one provides. From woodworking to beverage manufacturing, both types of compressors can power various tools and machinery, making the manufacturing process faster and easier.

What Is a Single-Stage Air Compressor?

Also known as piston compressors, single-stage air compressors have pistons that draw air into the machine until it is sucked through a filter section. The air then passes through intake valves and into a cylinder, where a crankshaft rotates, and pistons push the air upwards. The piston helps compress the trapped air and force it through exhaust valves, which travel to a discharge tube and a check valve. Once the air enters a storage tank, it can stay until the user requires new air.

What Is a Two-Stage Compressor?

Two-stage air compressors — or dual-stage compressors — use a low-pressure, larger piston to draw in air. The air is sucked through a filter and passes the intake valve into a cylinder, where the crankshaft rotates, and a low-pressure piston pushes it upwards while compressing the air. The first compression also forces the air through a low-pressure exhaust valve which helps the air travel through an intercooler. 

After cooling, the air travels to the high-pressure sides of the compressor, where it is drawn into a cylinder and compressed a second time. Once it passes the discharge tube and check valve, it remains safely in a storage tank until the user requires new air.

Difference Between Single-Stage and Two-Stage Air Compressors

The main difference between single-stage versus two-stage air compressors is the number of times the air is compressed. While a single-stage compressor compresses air once, a dual-stage compressor compresses twice for higher pressure and power. 

Single-stage compressors suck air into a cylinder where the trapped air is compressed. After moving to a storage tank, the air can be used as energy for various tools. 

With a two-stage air compressor, rather than immediately going to a storage tank after compression, the air is sent to a smaller piston for the second round of compression. The double-pressurized air is also cooled before entering the storage tank, where the air can then be used as energy for high-powered tools and equipment. 

Uses for Single-Stage Air Compressors

A single-stage air compressor has many uses for providing energy for equipment. From woodworking tools to metalworking equipment, a single-stage compressor makes the production and manufacturing process more manageable. You can use single-stage air compressors in the following industries: 


Woodworking often requires a wide variety of intensive tools to make furniture, fixtures or other wooden features. However, without the help of power tools, woodworking may require extensive physical work, stamina and hand-eye coordination. If you want to cut boards and drill holes evenly every time, you can use air-powered saws and drills to assist your process. 

A single-stage air compressor powers these tools to help you achieve your goals in minutes rather than hours. A single-stage air compressor can also help power tools for the following tasks:

  • Sawing: Whether you need to trim boards, cut shapes or saw panels, an air-powered saw can help make the process smooth and easy. While sawing may have once been a difficult and dangerous task, an air-powered saw allows you to saw with different blade lengths and board thicknesses safely.
  • Nailing: Hammering may be a risky or awkward task. You risk bending the nail, hammering it crooked or hitting your thumb, the board or the surface underneath. However, an air-powered nailer helps you nail straight every time and finishes the task quickly.
  • Drilling: Drilling holes relies on hand-eye coordination. However, operating a drill can be awkward or risky. You risk a wrist or elbow slipping, resulting in crooked holes or injury. With an air-powered drill, you can accurately make holes at a much faster speed. 
  • Sanding: It takes powered machinery to sand the rough edges of the wood. While you could use sandpaper, it often leaves streaks and marks. An air-powered sander helps you sand in multiple directions while leaving a smooth finish without any streaks.


Any work involving metal is hard to accomplish without the proper tools. You need to cut, drill, mold and join pieces together, which is made easier with air-powered tools. Some tasks that might benefit from the help of air-powered tools include the following:

  • Shearing: Metal alloys require specific molding needs. Using powered air metal-cutting tools, workers can cut through metal sheets as easily as cardboard. 
  • Grinding: Whether you need to trim or grind tubes, pipes and bars, an air-grinder can do the job. It is handy if a piece of metal is too long and needs some trimming.
  • Riveting: When fastening pieces of metal together, an air-riveter is one of the best ways to combine sheets and join seams. Riveting makes for a tight and secure fit, perfect when building sheds, structures and more.
  • Ratcheting: If you need to undo metal fasteners, using an air-powered ratchet helps you break apart nuts that may have otherwise been impossible to disassemble. 

Uses for Two-Stage Air Compressors

Two-stage air compressors are often used for high-powered tools and equipment. Air compressors power essential tools from automobile assembly and beverage manufacturing to aerospace and military equipment.

Automobile Manufacturing

Constructing vehicles is a heavy-duty application that requires air-powered tools to save energy and assist in plant and repair shops. Automobile manufacturers may use two-stage compressors for the following tasks: 

  • Lifting: During assembly, the frame and shell of the vehicle require lifting. A two-stage compressor can power lifting devices, making it easier for assembly lines to assemble cars quickly.
  • Screwing: The engine parts also require screwing and bolting. Air-powered wrenches and ratchets help workers assemble and disassemble parts along the conveyor.
  • Greasing: For parts in motion, the air compressors and the parts grind together require lubrication. Air-powered greasers help workers quickly apply lubricant to necessary machinery.
  • Painting: Parts must be primed and coated evenly when painting vehicle shells. Using air-powered paint sprayers can produce a coating free of streaks and blotches.

Beverage Manufacturing

Companies use two-stage compressors during the beverage manufacturing process to power tools needed to produce massive amounts of soda, juice or alcohol. Beverage manufacturers may use air compressors for the following tasks: 

  • Molding: Compressors mold the bottles out of glass, and air-powered dryers solidify the molds.
  • Filling: Air-powered machines fill bottles of juice or soda during the conveyor process.
  • Sealing: Air-powered machines extract air from the bottles and put on air-tight lids and seals.
  • Labeling: Air-powered robotics apply labels and stickers.
  • Packaging: Air-powered robotics neatly package bottles.

Aerospace and Military Equipment

When building aircraft, tanks or other military equipment, a two-stage air compressor helps generate enough power to assemble and finish each piece. Air compressors may also help with the following jobs:

  • Cutting: Compressors can power machines to cut parts from raw metals and form molded parts using air-powered machinery. 
  • Shaping: Manufacturers may use air-powered sawing tools to cut and shape wings, flaps, engines, rudders or propellers. 
  • Assembling: Military equipment manufacturers assemble parts using air-powered fastener tools.
  • Finishing: Air-powered blowers, sanders, painters and dryers can help finish the pieces with paint and decals.

Find Reliable Tools at Compressed Air Technologies

At Compressed Air Technologies, we offer air systems, parts and lubricants and perform preventative maintenance and repairs whenever you need them. As the leaders of compressed air tools for over 30 years, our systems have run efficiently and smoothly, helping maintain your equipment’s reliability. Contact us today to speak to a representative and explore our compressed air products.

Guide to Multi-Stage Air Compressors


Multi-Stage Compressors

Reciprocating/piston compressors use a cylinder to force air into a chamber, where it is compressed. The simplest compressor designs feature a single–cylinder/chamber arrangement. While straightforward, this setup is limited in its efficiency and capacity for delivering high volumes of pressurized air.

That’s where multi-stage compressors come in. By increasing the number of cylinder stages, these machines work more effectively and can handle more tools at once.

How Multi-Stage Compressors Work

Multi-stage compressors feature two or more piston cylinders, each of a different diameter. After the first compression stage, air passes through a heat exchanger, where it is cooled before arriving at the second cylinder. Cooling the air reduces the work needed to compress it during the second or third stages.

In a two-stage compressor, the air passes through two chambers total. In the second chamber, it is pressurized to the required extent. In a three-stage compressor, an additional cycle of compression and cooling occurs before this.

What Is a 2-Stage Air CompressorStage Air Compressor?

A two-stage air compressor is the most basic multi-stage compressor. Partially compressed air undergoes a cooling cycle before passing through another compression chamber where the air reaches the required pressure.

What Is a 3-Stage Air Compressor?

A three-stage air compressor is a multi-stage compressor with three separate chambers. Air moves through a first compression stage and then passes through two heat exchangers and two additional chambers. The three-stage compressor provides the most consistent power output and can operate for extended periods.

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Benefits of Multi-Stage Compression

Both single– and multi-stage compressors have their benefits. The right one for your application will depend on a number of factors. Specific advantages of a three- or two-stage compressor design include:

  • Improved efficiency: 

    Two-stage compressors perform less work to compress air to a given pressure, which means your operating costs are lower.

  • Better reliability:

     The intercooling stage of two-stage compression creates less chance of overheating, which in turn means more uptime and better productivity.

  • Less moisture buildup:

     Cooler air has a lower moisture content. Moisture in compressed air can lead to equipment failure and premature wear. Using a two- or three-stage compressor can potentially save you from having to purchase a separate air dryer.

  • Smaller footprint: 

    For heavy-duty applications, multi-stage compressors deliver greater air pressure (PSI) at higher capacities (CFM) than single-stage machines o

    f c

    omparable size.

  • Few maintenance requirements: 

    Thanks to smaller components and cooler temperatures, wearable components don’t wear out as quickly. As a result, recommended service intervals are longer.

Cons of a Multi-Stage Compressor

While multi-stage compressors have numerous pros, some cons to consider are:

  • Size: Multi-stage compressors are often larger and heavier than single-stage systems. If you choose a two- or three-stage compressor, you should ensure you have enough storage space in your facility.
  • Maintenance: Because multi-stage compressors have additional chambers and heat exchangers, maintenance can be more demanding and involve the replacement of larger numbers of wear parts.
  • Cost: Multi-stage compressors are more expensive than single-stage compressors.

2- vs. 3-Stage Air Compressors

If you need an air compressor for demanding work like auto repair or manufacturing, investing in a two- or three-stage air compressor is necessary to ensure your unit produces an adequate supply of air for your tools or machinery. While both two- and three-stage compressors provide reliable air output, there are instances in which one will work better than the other.

Two-stage systems are smaller and can produce high-pressure air while taking up the same space as a single-stage system, though they can’t match the output capability of a three-stage model. The latter will serve you better if space isn’t a concern and your application requires greater efficiency and higher air pressure.


Clearly, there are benefits to selecting a multi-stage machine. However, their higher cost means they are not necessarily the right choice for every application. Typically, single-stage compressors are best for lower pressure, light-duty, periodic use applications. Two- or three-stage air compressors, on the other hand, offer more efficiency and reliability for continuous use applications, such as manufacturing and auto repair.

Many reciprocating compressors come in both single- and two-stage options. If you’ve already selected a particular machine, you may be wondering whether you need a single- or multi-stage version. Here are six things to consider when choosing an air compressor to decide if a multi-stage system is right for your application:

  1. Pressure required: Before considering anything else, you can know for sure you need a two- or three-stage compressor if you need to produce high pressure. 

    Because air 

    is compressed

     in two or more steps, multi-stage compressors can deliver higher pressures


    , any pressure above 100 PSIG will demand a multi-stage compressor for the most efficiency.
  2. Volume of air required: An industrial multi-stage air compressor can pressurize more cubic feet of air per minute (CFM) than a single-stage compressor. Since most compressors take some downtime between pressure cycles, a higher volume produced per cycle can increase productivity. Machinery and air tools used for significant lengths of time will both require more air.
  3. Need for temperature control: Multi-stage compressors can regulate air temperature. Because they cool air as it passes between each chamber, the output air has a lower temperature. 

    When heat can damage or reduce the efficiency of your air-powered equipment, choose a multi-stage compressor

  4. Need for oil-free applications: Intercooling, which 

    is used

     in most multi-stage compressors, it increases the moisture in the air

    This moisture can mix with the oil in an oil-flooded compressor and cause issues with the machinery

    . So, most oil-free compressor systems are dual-stage.
  5. Space you have: The smallest single-stage air compressor will take up less room than the smallest dual-stage air compressor. For a DIY or contracting project, a single-stage air compressor may be lighter and more portable. When it comes to larger air compressors, a two-stage compressor will have a higher output than a single-stage compressor of the same size. So, for industrial applications, a multi-stage compressor will save space.
  6. Initial cost versus lifetime cost: The price of air compressing equipment is only 12% of the total cost of producing compressed air. So, while a single-stage compressor can be more affordable to buy, it’s critical to consider the lifetime cost, too. Most of the cost of compressed air comes from the electricity consumed. In this case, two- and three-stage compressors have the advantage because cool air compresses with less mechanical work. For small applications, the lower initial cost may outweigh the benefits of an efficient design. For larger applications, the lifetime cost of the machine is paramount.

Multi-Stage Machines From Quincy Compressor

Quincy Compressor has been a leading compressor manufacturer for nearly 100 years. We carry a complete range of products, including two- and three-stage air compressors designed for heavy-duty industrial use. Our products incorporate advanced technology to improve efficiency, reduce noise and keep maintenance requirements to a minimum. The best warranty programs in the business back all of our products, and we offer extended coverage on certain components for 10 years or more.

Our flagship product, the QR-25, is available in a 5 HP, 2-stage air compressor configuration. We also sell rotary screw and three-stage reciprocating machines. To learn more, check out our Resources page for more background on the technology and how it works.

To find an authorized dealer near you, please use our sales and service locator.

Last Updated on March 11, 2022 at 8:45 am




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