Frequently Asked Questions

Author: Geym

May. 13, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Please visit our website for more information on this topic.

We have provided answers to some of the most common questions about our  custom printing services.

If you do not see the answer here, please call (800) 757-5646 or send us a message and we would be happy to help you.

Does Branded Screen Printing have a minimum screen printing order?

Branded Screen Printing does  require a low, 12 piece minimum order.  We are happy to create your unique t shirt design, even at only 12 quantity. However, the more you order, the less the price per shirt.

How long will it take to have my order completed?

We allow 5-7 days for production after you have approved your proof. Your order will ship on that  business day. Delivery time varies depending on your location and the shipping that you request. Branded does have rush services if you need your order faster. 

Need your order fast?

No problem, rush services are available. We will do whatever it takes to ensure timely delivery of your garments. Call today (800) 757-5646!

When is payment due?

Branded does require a 100% payment to start the order.  If your company or organization uses a PO system, please let us know and we can update your account.

What is a specialty ink?

A screen printing specialty ink is something  besides a regular plastisol ink. We do have additional, fun inks available, including glitter, foil, discharge, glow in the dark and more. Visit our screen printing page for more information and samples.

Can you match Pantone (PMS) colors for screen printing?

Branded Screen Printing does match PMS (Pantone ) colors. Please be sure to include the PMS (Pantone) color in the order to be sure that it gets printed.

What happens if the color of ink isn’t exactly what I viewed online?

Screen Printing Ink colors may vary depending on your computer monitor. The colors will be close, possibly varying by a shade or tint of a color. If you do need a specific color, please send us the Pantone color when placing your order.

Where can I print my design on the garment?

Please view this link for our standard print locations and sizes common print locations. If you have something specific, just let us know and we will see if we can print it.

Can I get a catalog?

Please visit our online catalogs to see the different items that we have to offer browse catalogs.  There are hundreds of custom items to view.

What happens if I cancel my order?

If you cancel your order after the garments have been ordered, but production has not started, a 20% restocking fee for ordered garments will be due. Production may begin anytime after the order is approved.  Please call us to confirm that your order has not started if you are considering cancelling.

Do you have contract pricing?

Yes! You can check out our contract pricing sheet by clicking here.

Do I have to get all the same color garment in an order?

Nope! You can get multiple colors within the same order as long as the ink colors and design remain the same. If you would like to change the ink color, there is a $10.00 charge each time.

How do I get a quote?

You can email your order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to  Once we receive it, we will send you pricing within 24 hours. You can also visit our How To Order page to find out other ordering methods.

What happens when I submit a custom design via email or the designer?

When you upload your art, it is emailed to us to view! Our designers take a look at it and email you back within 24 hours with questions or comments. If you have questions, you can include those in the comments section before uploading your artwork. If you want to make sure that your artwork arrived, please give us a call.

What Are the Top 10 Digital Printing Mistakes to Avoid?

Are you tired of dealing with blurry or inconsistent prints from your digital printing process? It’s frustrating, isn’t it? Well, you’re not alone. Many printing mistakes can occur if you overlook certain aspects of the printing process. From common print file mistakes to the selection of a reliable printing company, there are several factors that can make or break your final prints. One common mistake is overlooking the resolution of your print files, which can result in blurry prints. Another issue to consider is the use of dots in your design, as they can affect the clarity of the prints. Additionally, delays in the printing process can also lead to subpar results. To ensure high-quality prints, it’s crucial to choose a reputable printing company that specializes in producing sharp and consistent prints, especially for business cards and PDF files.

One of the most common mistakes made by a printing company is the lack of color calibration, which leads to inconsistent prints that may not match what you see on your screen. Ignoring file resolution is another pitfall that can result in blurry or pixelated images. And let’s not forget about proofreading – overlooking this crucial step can lead to costly reprints from the printing press.

To avoid many common printing mistakes and ensure high-quality digital prints, it’s essential for a printing company to pay attention to color calibration, file resolution, and proofreading.

So buckle up and get ready for some eye-opening insights into the world of digital printing coverage. We will be discussing the latest product trends and how they impact the consumer. Get ready for some proof that digital printing is revolutionizing the industry!

Understanding RGB vs CMYK Color Modes

Using the correct color mode in digital printing is crucial for achieving accurate and vibrant prints. Understanding the differences between RGB and CMYK color modes is essential to avoid mistakes that can affect the coverage and vibrancy of your marketing materials.

Using RGB colors for print can result in inaccurate color representation.

RGB (Red, Green, Blue) is the common colour model used for electronic displays such as computer screens and mobile devices. While it works well for digital media, using RGB colours directly in print can lead to many printing mistakes and discrepancies in colour representation. This is because RGB colours are created by combining light emitted from a screen, while printed materials rely on ink absorption.

When designing marketing materials, it’s important to consider the difference in colour between RGB and CMYK. Printing mistakes can occur if you don’t convert your design to CMYK before printing. Bright neon hues may appear dull or washed out when printed in black with CMYK inks. To ensure accurate colour representation, always work with the appropriate colour mode from the beginning.

Converting RGB images to CMYK may cause color shifts and loss of vibrancy.

If you have an image or artwork created using RGB colors for your marketing materials that you intend to print, converting it to CMYK is necessary to avoid printing mistakes. However, this conversion process isn’t always seamless. When converting from RGB to CMYK, there can be noticeable shifts in color tones and a loss of vibrancy, especially with black colour.

This occurs because the two color models, RGB and CMYK, represent colours differently. The RGB model has a wider gamut than CMYK in print design since it can display more vibrant shades due to additive mixing of light. On the other hand, CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) is used for printing mistakes and marketing materials, as it uses subtractive mixing of pigments on paper and has a more limited range of achievable colours.

To minimize potential issues during conversion:

  • Use software tools specifically designed to correct printing mistakes and accurately convert RGB to CMYK for print jobs. These tools ensure that the correct colour is achieved in the final printed product.

  • Adjust the color settings and profiles in your design software to correctly match the printing requirements of the press. Make sure you have the correct package for printing.

  • Always proof your prints before finalizing any project to ensure correct colors in the package appear as intended.

Not understanding the limitations of each color mode can lead to unexpected results.

Both RGB and CMYK packages have their own limitations, and not being aware of these can result in unexpected outcomes when printing. It’s crucial to understand these limitations to avoid mistakes that could impact your final prints.

RGB limitations:

  • Limited color accuracy when translating from screen to print

  • Neon or highly saturated hues in the RGB color model may appear less vibrant in print. Make sure to use a package that supports accurate color reproduction.

  • Some common print file mistakes include RGB colors that simply cannot be reproduced using CMYK inks. When preparing your package for printing, it’s important to be aware of these limitations.

CMYK limitations:

  • Limited gamut compared to RGB, resulting in a narrower range of achievable colors in the print file package.

  • Difficulty reproducing certain shades accurately, such as bright blues or deep blacks, is a common challenge when working with the RGB color model. It can be frustrating when trying to package and print files that contain these colors.

  • The potential for visible dot patterns due to ink absorption on paper is a concern when working with print files in the RGB color model. It is important to package all necessary files to ensure accurate printing results.

By considering these limitations and adjusting your designs accordingly, you can achieve better results when printing with either RGB or CMYK color modes.

Understanding the differences between RGB and CMYK is essential for successful digital printing. Avoiding common mistakes like using RGB colors directly for print, ensuring accurate conversions from RGB to CMYK, and recognizing the limitations of each color mode will help you produce high-quality prints with accurate and vibrant colors.

Choosing the Right Image Format

Choosing the right image format is crucial in ensuring high-quality prints. The file format you select can greatly impact the final result, so it’s important to avoid common mistakes that could compromise print quality. When selecting an image format, consider the RGB color model to achieve optimal results.

Saving images as low-resolution JPEGs can compromise print quality.

One of the most common mistakes in digital printing is using low-resolution JPEGs for printing purposes. While JPEGs are commonly used for web graphics due to their small file size, they are not ideal for print. Low-resolution JPEGs lack the necessary level of detail and can appear pixelated or blurry when printed.

To avoid this mistake, it’s essential to use high-resolution images specifically tailored for printing. Opt for formats like TIFF or PNG that offer lossless compression and retain image quality even at higher resolutions. These formats ensure sharpness and clarity in your prints, providing a professional finish.

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Self-Publishing a Book: How to Choose a Printing Company

Using vector graphics ensures scalability without loss of quality.

Another important consideration when choosing an image format is scalability. In digital printing, it’s crucial that your images can be resized without sacrificing quality. This is where vector graphics shine.

Vector graphics are created using mathematical equations rather than pixels, allowing them to be scaled up or down without any loss of detail or resolution. Formats such as SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) are perfect for logos, illustrations, and other graphic elements that require flexibility in size during the printing process.

Neglecting image compression techniques can result in large file sizes and slower printing speeds.

While maintaining high-quality images is essential in digital printing, file size also plays a significant role. Large files can slow down the printing process and cause unnecessary delays. Therefore, neglecting image compression techniques is another mistake to avoid.

Compression reduces file sizes while retaining acceptable levels of image quality. One popular choice for compressed files is PDF (Portable Document Format). PDF files allow you to compress multiple images into a single document, reducing overall file size without compromising print quality.

When choosing image formats and compression techniques, keep in mind the specific requirements of your printing project. Consider factors such as the type of images used, their intended size on the printed material, and the printing method employed.

Font and Line Weight Considerations

Using the right fonts and line weights is crucial in digital printing to ensure legibility and maintain the intended design. Failing to pay attention to these considerations can result in poor print quality and readability issues. Let’s explore some common mistakes to avoid.

1. When preparing a print file, it is important to avoid using thin fonts or lines below the recommended size.

When selecting fonts for your digital prints, it’s essential to consider their legibility at different sizes. Thin or delicate fonts may look elegant on screen but can become illegible when printed, especially if they are scaled down. To prevent this issue, always choose fonts that retain clarity even at smaller sizes.

Similarly, using lines that are too thin can cause problems during the printing process. Thin lines might not reproduce accurately, resulting in broken or faint lines that detract from your design. To ensure crisp and well-defined lines, opt for thicker strokes that meet the printer’s specifications.

2. Failing to embed fonts properly

Have you ever received a printed document only to find that the font looks completely different from what you expected? This often occurs when fonts are not embedded correctly in the digital file before printing.

To avoid font substitutions and maintain consistency across different systems, it is crucial to embed your chosen fonts properly. Embedding ensures that all necessary font files are included within the document itself, allowing printers to access them accurately during production.

3. Ignoring contrast between text and background

Adequate contrast between text and background is essential for readability purposes. Neglecting this aspect can lead to difficulties in deciphering printed information, making your message less effective.

Ensure that there is sufficient contrast between your text color and background color by considering factors such as hue, brightness, and saturation differences. For example:

  • Use dark text on a light background or vice versa.

  • Avoid using colors with similar tonal values together.

  • Test your design by printing a sample to ensure readability under different lighting conditions.

By paying attention to contrast, you can enhance the legibility of your digital prints and ensure that your message is easily understood.

Positioning Borders Correctly

Incorrect border placement can be a common mistake to avoid in digital printing. When borders are not positioned correctly, it can result in an uneven or cut-off appearance after trimming. This can significantly impact the overall quality and aesthetic of the printed material.

Another important aspect to consider when positioning borders is the bleed area guidelines. Neglecting these guidelines might lead to white edges around the final print. Bleed refers to extending the design beyond the intended trim size, ensuring that there are no unwanted white spaces when the material is trimmed down. By not accounting for bleed areas, you risk compromising the integrity of your design and creating an unprofessional look.

In addition to considering borders and bleed areas, it’s crucial to take into account gutter space, especially when dealing with booklets or brochures. The gutter space is the inner margin between facing pages in a printed document. Failure to account for this space can result in important content being obscured or difficult to read when the material is bound together. It’s essential to ensure that your design accounts for proper gutter dimensions so that your content remains easily accessible and visually appealing.

To avoid these mistakes and achieve optimal results in digital printing, here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. Follow trim size specifications: Familiarize yourself with the specific dimensions required for your project and ensure that your design adheres to those specifications.

  2. Include bleed areas: Extend your design elements beyond the trim size by adding bleed areas according to the printer’s guidelines. This ensures that there are no white edges after trimming.

  3. Position borders carefully: Pay close attention to how you position borders within your design, making sure they align correctly with other elements and maintain consistency throughout.

  4. Consider gutter space: If you’re working on booklets or brochures, allocate sufficient gutter space so that important content doesn’t get lost or hidden when binding the pages together.

By taking these precautions, you can avoid common mistakes in digital printing and enhance the overall quality of your printed materials. Remember to double-check all dimensions, bleed areas, and border placements before finalizing your order to ensure a professional and visually appealing outcome.

Ensuring Clarity of Text and Graphics

Ensuring the clarity of text and graphics is crucial for producing high-quality prints. Failing to pay attention to this aspect can result in illegible text, poor image quality, and reduced readability. In order to avoid these common mistakes, it is important to consider factors such as resolution, contrast, and proofreading.

Insufficient Resolution for Small Text or Intricate Details

One of the most common mistakes in digital printing is using insufficient resolution for small text or intricate details. When the resolution is too low, these elements may appear blurry or pixelated when printed. This not only makes them difficult to read but also compromises the overall professionalism of the prints.

To avoid this issue, it is essential to ensure that your artwork or documents have a suitable resolution before sending them for printing. If you are working with a designer or using design software like Photoshop, make sure that you set the appropriate resolution (usually 300 dots per inch) when creating your designs. This will help maintain the sharpness and clarity of small text and intricate details.

Poor Image Quality Affects Visual Appeal

Another mistake that can significantly impact digital printing results is poor image quality. Low-resolution images or images that are stretched beyond their original size can appear pixelated or distorted when printed. This not only affects the visual appeal of your prints but also reflects poorly on your business’s professionalism.

To ensure good image quality in your prints, always use high-resolution images that are suitable for printing purposes. Avoid stretching or enlarging images beyond their original dimensions as this can lead to a loss in quality. Consider using vector graphics whenever possible, as they maintain their clarity regardless of size adjustments.

Inadequate Contrast Reduces Readability

Inadequate contrast between foreground elements (such as text) and background can significantly reduce readability in printed materials. If there isn’t enough contrast, the text may blend into the background, making it difficult for readers to discern the information. This can be particularly problematic for marketing materials like posters, business cards, and designs that aim to convey important information.

To ensure readability in your prints, pay close attention to the contrast between foreground elements and the background. Use colors that provide sufficient contrast and make sure that text is easily distinguishable from its surroundings. Conducting a proofreading process can also help identify any potential issues with readability before finalizing your designs or documents.

By avoiding common mistakes such as insufficient resolution for small text or intricate details, poor image quality, and inadequate contrast between foreground elements and background, you can ensure clarity in your digital prints. Taking the time to proofread your documents or artwork and using high-quality images will contribute to producing visually appealing prints that effectively convey information. Remember, great design is not just about aesthetics but also about delivering clear messages to your audience.

Pre-Press Mistakes to Avoid

Forgetting to Convert Fonts into Outlines

One of the most common mistakes in digital printing is forgetting to convert fonts into outlines. This seemingly innocent oversight can cause font-related issues during printing, leading to unexpected results and delays. When fonts are not converted, they may appear differently on the printed material compared to what you see on your computer screen.

To avoid this mistake, it is crucial to convert all fonts into outlines before sending your files for printing. By converting fonts into outlines, you essentially turn them into vector shapes, ensuring that their appearance remains consistent regardless of the software or system used for printing. This step eliminates any reliance on specific font files and mitigates the risk of font substitutions or incorrect rendering.

Neglecting Proper Trapping Techniques

Another critical aspect often overlooked in pre-press is proper trapping techniques. Trapping refers to the process of creating small overlaps between adjacent colors or objects to prevent misalignment issues during printing. Without adequate trapping, misregistration can occur, resulting in unwanted gaps or overlaps between colors.

To avoid misalignment problems caused by poor trapping, it is essential to apply appropriate trapping techniques when preparing your artwork for digital printing. Trapping ensures that even slight variations during the printing process do not lead to visible errors on the final product.

Avoiding Thorough Preflight Checks

Skipping thorough preflight checks can be a costly mistake in digital printing. Preflight checks involve reviewing and analyzing your print files for potential errors that could impact the final output. Neglecting this step increases the risk of missing critical errors such as low-resolution images, missing fonts, incorrect color spaces, or improper bleed settings.

To minimize errors and ensure a smooth printing process, always perform comprehensive preflight checks before submitting your files. Use dedicated preflight software or features within graphic design applications to identify any potential issues early on. Pay close attention to resolution requirements, color profiles, and bleed settings to avoid unexpected results or reprints.

Key Takeaways on Avoiding Printing Mistakes

In conclusion,There are several common mistakes that you should avoid. Understanding the difference between RGB and CMYK color modes is crucial in ensuring accurate color representation. Choosing the right image format can greatly impact the quality of your prints. Pay attention to font and line weight considerations to maintain readability. Positioning borders correctly is essential for a professional finish.

Ensuring clarity of text and graphics is vital to prevent any blurriness or distortion in your prints. Avoid pre-press mistakes such as incorrect file formats or improper resolution settings. By following these guidelines, you can minimize errors and achieve optimal results with your digital printing projects.

To further enhance your printing experience, here are some frequently asked questions:


Q: What is the difference between RGB and CMYK color modes?

RGB stands for Red, Green, Blue and is used for digital displays. CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black and is used in print production. It’s important to convert your images from RGB to CMYK before printing to ensure accurate color reproduction.

Q: Which image format should I use for digital printing?

For best results in digital printing, it’s recommended to use high-resolution images in formats like TIFF or EPS. These formats preserve image quality without compression loss.

Q: How can I choose the right font and line weight for my prints?

When selecting fonts for print materials, opt for legible typefaces that are easy to read at different sizes. Also consider adjusting line weights appropriately so that they don’t appear too thin or thick when printed.

Q: Why is positioning borders correctly important in digital printing?

Properly aligning borders ensures consistency across your prints and prevents uneven edges or misalignment issues that can detract from the overall appearance of your design.

Q: How can I avoid pre-press mistakes?

To avoid pre-press mistakes, make sure to use the correct file formats, such as PDF, and check that your resolution settings are suitable for printing. It’s also advisable to proofread your files thoroughly before sending them for printing.

Remember, by paying attention to these key aspects and avoiding common digital printing mistakes, you can achieve professional-looking prints that accurately represent your designs. Happy printing!

Note: The provided content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice.


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